Sometimes there is nothing left to do but surrender.

What does it mean to surrender?

It doesn’t mean to give up.
It doesn’t mean to be passive, it is a very engaged process.
It doesn’t mean that a part of you doesn’t still want what you want.

It means recognising that what you are trying to achieve/attain is beyond the ability of the level of your individual personal will.

It is to open your connection to the higher/deeper power of creation, and to trust what life is giving you to work with.

It is to move within and from where you are, rather than chasing a projection of your mind that places you some point ahead of yourself.

It is to accept that we often can’t see the grand design behind our deepening growth and learning.

Surrendering is not a ‘doing’.

Instead of focusing on what you are trying to either achieve or surrender, become aware of WHO it is in you that is struggling with it.

That who is a part of you. Learn to observe that part, like a character on a stage. See it’s tendencies, it’s patterns, it’s fears. Trace it back. See where it’s ways comes from.

A different way to understand how to approach surrendering is, that it is the part of us that is trying to ‘do’ achievement or surrendering that needs to be surrendered. It is believing that we are that very part itself which is at the root of the struggle.

Learn you are more than it.

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